Dianne is a highly qualified, experienced & skilled Clinical Counselling Therapist. Dianne has 15 years of significant Practice experience. Dianne practices collaboratively with you in consideration of your goals, preferences, circumstances and needs. Dianne effectively utilises integrated therapeutic approaches & works with you to attain recovery & personal growth in a considerate & compassionate manner. Empathy & compassion are essential and are the essence of effective therapy. Dianne practices in accordance with the Social Work values of empowerment, personal strengths & individual uniqueness. Dianne practices in consideration of the multiple issues that may also be adversely contributing to Mental Health concerns.
Fees are also negotiated & established in consideration of financial status, as a component of Counselling & Therapy Services assessment.
Interests & Practice Experience Examples
- Mood & Anxiety Disorders
- Stress, Carer & Adverse Life issues
- Complex Care, Disability, Dual Dx & Mental Health
- Grief & Loss
- Personality Disorders
- Complex Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Family/Individual Interpersonal & Life Transition concerns
Registered Provider: Work Safe Victoria, Medicare, TAC, Open Arms, Veteran’s Affairs.
Services are also provided for NDIS clients
As appropriate, Dianne may recommend community supports & services of assistance to you.